

Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::Backend::Email – backend class for email based articles


This class provides functions to manipulate email based articles in the database.

Inherits from Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::Backend::MIMEBase, please have a look there for its base API, and below for the additional functions this backend provides.



Return article data by supplied message ID.

    my %Article = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleGetByMessageID(
        MessageID     => '<>',     # (required)
        DynamicFields => 1,                                             # (optional) To include the dynamic field values for this article on the return structure.
        RealNames     => 1,                                             # (optional) To include the From/To/Cc/Bcc fields with real names.


Send article via email and create article with attachments.

    my $ArticleID = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleSend(
        TicketID             => 123,                              # (required)
        SenderTypeID         => 1,                                # (required)
                                                                  # or
        SenderType           => 'agent',                          # (required) agent|system|customer
        IsVisibleForCustomer => 1,                                # (required) Is article visible to customer?
        UserID               => 123,                              # (required)

        From        => 'Some Agent <>',                       # required
        To          => 'Some Customer A <>',             # required if both Cc and Bcc are not present
        Cc          => 'Some Customer B <>',             # required if both To and Bcc are not present
        Bcc         => 'Some Customer C <>',             # required if both To and Cc are not present
        ReplyTo     => 'Some Customer B <>',             # not required, is possible to use 'Reply-To' instead
        Subject     => 'some short description',                               # required
        Body        => 'the message text',                                     # required
        InReplyTo   => '<>',                           # not required but useful
        References  => '<> <>', # not required but useful
        Charset     => 'iso-8859-15'
        MimeType    => 'text/plain',
        Loop        => 0, # 1|0 used for bulk emails
        Attachment => [
                Content     => $Content,
                ContentType => $ContentType,
                Filename    => 'lala.txt',
                Content     => $Content,
                ContentType => $ContentType,
                Filename    => 'lala1.txt',
        EmailSecurity => {
            Backend     => 'PGP',                       # PGP or SMIME
            Method      => 'Detached',                  # Optional Detached or Inline (defaults to Detached)
            SignKey     => '81877F5E',                  # Optional
            EncryptKeys => [ '81877F5E', '3b630c80' ],  # Optional
        HistoryType    => 'OwnerUpdate',  # Move|AddNote|PriorityUpdate|WebRequestCustomer|...
        HistoryComment => 'Some free text!',
        NoAgentNotify  => 0,            # if you don't want to send agent notifications

    my $ArticleID = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleSend(                (Backwards compatibility)
        TicketID             => 123,                              # (required)
        SenderTypeID         => 1,                                # (required)
                                                                  # or
        SenderType           => 'agent',                          # (required) agent|system|customer
        IsVisibleForCustomer => 1,                                # (required) Is article visible to customer?
        UserID               => 123,                              # (required)

        From        => 'Some Agent <>',                       # required
        To          => 'Some Customer A <>',             # required if both Cc and Bcc are not present
        Cc          => 'Some Customer B <>',             # required if both To and Bcc are not present
        Bcc         => 'Some Customer C <>',             # required if both To and Cc are not present
        ReplyTo     => 'Some Customer B <>',             # not required, is possible to use 'Reply-To' instead
        Subject     => 'some short description',                               # required
        Body        => 'the message text',                                     # required
        InReplyTo   => '<>',                           # not required but useful
        References  => '<> <>', # not required but useful
        Charset     => 'iso-8859-15'
        MimeType    => 'text/plain',
        Loop        => 0, # 1|0 used for bulk emails
        Attachment => [
                Content     => $Content,
                ContentType => $ContentType,
                Filename    => 'lala.txt',
                Content     => $Content,
                ContentType => $ContentType,
                Filename    => 'lala1.txt',
        Sign => {
            Type    => 'PGP',
            SubType => 'Inline|Detached',
            Key     => '81877F5E',
            Type    => 'SMIME',
            Key     => '3b630c80',
        Crypt => {
            Type    => 'PGP',
            SubType => 'Inline|Detached',
            Key     => '81877F5E',
            Type    => 'SMIME',
            Key     => '3b630c80',
        HistoryType    => 'OwnerUpdate',  # Move|AddNote|PriorityUpdate|WebRequestCustomer|...
        HistoryComment => 'Some free text!',
        NoAgentNotify  => 0,            # if you don't want to send agent notifications

Events: ArticleSend


Returns single article data.

This function is using MIMEBase to retrieve generic data, then it adds backend specific data.

Backend specific optional keys are:

    %Article = (
        Crypted => {
            Value => '...decryption successful...',
            Valid => 1,
        Signed  => {
            Value => '...verification unsuccessful...',
            Valid => 0,


Bounce an article.

    my $Success = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleBounce(
        From      => '',
        To        => '',
        TicketID  => 123,
        ArticleID => 123,
        UserID    => 123,

Events: ArticleBounce


Send an auto response to a customer via email.

    my $ArticleID = $ArticleBackendObject->SendAutoResponse(
        TicketID         => 123,
        AutoResponseType => 'auto reply',
        OrigHeader       => {
            From    => '',
            Subject => 'For the message!',
        UserID => 123,

Events: ArticleAutoResponse


Get the transmission status for one article.

    my $TransmissionStatus = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleTransmissionStatus(
        ArticleID => 123,   # required

This returns something like:

    $TransmissionStatus = {
        ArticleID  => 123,
        MessageID  => 456,
        Message    => 'Descriptive message of last communication',  # only in case of failed status
        CreateTime => '2017-01-01 12:34:56',
        Status     => [Processing|Failed],
        Attempts   => 1,                                            # only in case of processing status
        DueTime    => '2017-01-02 12:34:56',                        # only in case of processing status


Creates a Transmission Error entry for one article.

    my $Success = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleCreateTransmissionError(
        ArticleID => 123,                   # Required
        MessageID => 456,                   # Optional
        Message   => '',                    # Optional


Get the Transmission Error entry for a given article.

    my %TransmissionError = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleGetTransmissionError(
        ArticleID => 123,   # Required

        ArticleID  => 123,
        MessageID  => 456,
        Message    => 'Descriptive message of last communication',
        CreateTime => '2017-01-01 01:02:03',
        Status     => 'Failed',
    or undef in case of failure to retrive a record from the database.


Updates the Transmission Error.

    my $Result = $ArticleBackendObject->ArticleUpdateTransmissionError(
        ArticleID => 123,                           # Required
        MessageID => 456,                           # Optional
        Message   => 'Short descriptive message',   # Optional

Returns 1 on Success, undef on failure.


Returns current transmission status of the article, by modifying passed article reference.

        Article => {

Returns 1 if successful.

Modifies passed article reference:

    Article => {
        TransmissionStatus => {
            ArticleID  => 123,
            MessageID  => 456,
            Message    => 'Descriptive message of last communication',  # only in case of failed status
            CreateTime => '2017-01-01 12:34:56',
            Status     => [Processing|Failed],
            Attempts   => 1,                                            # only in case of processing status
            DueTime    => '2017-01-02 12:34:56',                        # only in case of processing status
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