Kernel::System::SysConfig::DB – Functions to manage system configuration settings interactions with the database
Create an object. Do not use it directly, instead use:
use Kernel::System::ObjectManager;
local $Kernel::OM = Kernel::System::ObjectManager->new();
my $SysConfigDBObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::SysConfig::DB');
Add a new SysConfig default entry.
my $DefaultID = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingAdd(
Name => "ProductName", # (required)
Description => "Setting description", # (required)
Navigation => "ASimple::Path::Structure", # (required)
IsInvisible => 1, # (optional) 1 or 0, default 0
IsReadonly => 0, # (optional) 1 or 0, default 0
IsRequired => 1, # (optional) 1 or 0, default 0
IsValid => 1, # (optional) 1 or 0, default 0
HasConfigLevel => 200, # (optional) default 0
XMLContentRaw => $XMLString, # (required) the setting XML structure as it is on the config file
XMLContentParsed => $XMLParsedToPerl, # (required) the setting XML structure converted into a Perl structure
XMLFilename => 'Framework.xml' # (required) the name of the XML file
EffectiveValue => $SettingEffectiveValue, # (required) the value as will be stored in the Perl configuration file
ExclusiveLockExpiryTime => '2017-02-01 12:23:13', # (optional) If not provided, method will calculate it.
UserID => 123,
NoCleanup => 0, # (optional) Default 0. If enabled, system WILL NOT DELETE CACHE. In this case, it must be done manually.
my $DefaultID = 123; # false in case of an error
Add new SysConfig default entries.
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingBulkAdd(
Settings => { # (required) Hash of settings
"ACL::CacheTTL" => {
"EffectiveValue" => "--- '3600'\n",
"XMLContentParsed" => {
"Description" => [
"Content" => "Cache time in ...",
"Translatable" => 1
"Name" => "ACL::CacheTTL",
"Navigation" => [
"Content" => "Core::Ticket::ACL"
"Required" => 1,
"Valid" => 1,
"Value" => [
"Item" => [
"Content" => 3600,
"ValueRegex" => "^\\d+\$",
"ValueType" => "String"
"XMLContentParsedYAML" => "---\nDescription:\n- Content: Cache...",
"XMLContentRaw" => "<Setting Name=\"ACL::CacheTTL\" Required=\"1\" ...",
"XMLFilename" => "Ticket.xml"
SettingList => [ # list of current settings in DB
DefaultID => '123',
Name => 'SettingName1',
IsDirty => 1,
ExclusiveLockGUID => 0,
# ...
UserID => 1, # (required) UserID
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingVersionBulkAdd(
Settings => { # (required) Hash of settings
"ACL::CacheTTL" => {
"EffectiveValue" => "--- '3600'\n",
"XMLContentParsed" => {
"Description" => [
"Content" => "Cache time in ...",
"Translatable" => 1
"Name" => "ACL::CacheTTL",
"Navigation" => [
"Content" => "Core::Ticket::ACL"
"Required" => 1,
"Valid" => 1,
"Value" => [
"Item" => [
"Content" => 3600,
"ValueRegex" => "^\\d+\$",
"ValueType" => "String"
"XMLContentParsedYAML" => "---\nDescription:\n- Content: Cache...",
"XMLContentRaw" => "<Setting Name=\"ACL::CacheTTL\" Required=\"1\" ...",
"XMLFilename" => "Ticket.xml"
SettingList => [ # list of current settings in DB
DefaultID => '123',
Name => 'SettingName1',
IsDirty => 1,
ExclusiveLockGUID => 0,
# ...
UserID => 1, # (required) UserID
Get SysConfig default entry.
my %DefaultSetting = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingGet(
Name => "TheName", # (required) Setting name - prefered parameter.
# or
DefaultID => 4, # (required) DefaultID. Slightly slower execution.
NoCache => 0, # (optional) Default 0. If 1, cache will not be created.
%DefaultSetting = (
DefaultID => "123",
Name => "ProductName",
Description => "Defines the name of the application ...",
Navigation => "ASimple::Path::Structure",
IsInvisible => 1, # 1 or 0
IsReadonly => 0, # 1 or 0
IsRequired => 1, # 1 or 0
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0
HasConfigLevel => 200,
XMLContentRaw => "The XML structure as it is on the config file",
XMLContentParsed => "XML parsed to Perl",
XMLFilename => "Framework.xml",
EffectiveValue => "Product 6",
IsDirty => 1, # 1 or 0
ExclusiveLockUserID => 1,
ExclusiveLockExpiryTime => '2016-05-29 11:09:04',
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
CreateBy => 1,
ChangeTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
ChangeBy => 1,
SettingUID => 'Default12320160529110404',
Default setting lookup.
my %Result = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingLookup(
Name => "TheName", # (required)
# or
DefaultID => 4, # (required)
%Result = (
DefaultID => 4,
Name => 'TheName',
Delete a default setting from the database.
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingDelete(
DefaultID => 123,
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingDelete(
Name => 'Name',
$Success = 1; # or false in case of an error
Update SysConfig default entry.
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingUpdate(
DefaultID => 123,
Name => "ProductName",
Description => "Defines the name of the application ...",
Navigation => "ASimple::Path::Structure",
IsInvisible => 1, # 1 or 0, optional, default 0
IsReadonly => 0, # 1 or 0, optional, default 0
IsRequired => 1, # 1 or 0, optional, default 0
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0, optional, default 0
HasConfigLevel => 200, # optional, default 0
XMLContentRaw => $XMLString, # the XML structure as it is on the config file
XMLContentParsed => $XMLParsedToPerl,
XMLFilename => 'Framework.xml',
ExclusiveLockGUID => 1,
EffectiveValue => $SettingEffectiveValue,
UserID => 1,
$Success = 1; # or false in case of an error.
Search for settings which contains given term(Search) in the xml_content_raw column.
my @Result = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingSearch(
Search => 'Entity', # Search term
SearchType => 'XMLContent', # XMLContent or Metadata
CategoryFiles => ['Framework.xml', 'Ticket.xml', ], # (optional)
Valid => 0, # (optional) By default, system returns all Settings (valid and invalid)
# if set to 1, search only for valid,
# if set to 0, search also for invalid.
IncludeInvisible => 0, # (optional) Default 0
my @Result = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingSearch(
Search => ['Framework.xml' 'Ticket,xml'],
SearchType => 'Filename',
Valid => 1,
@Result = (
Get default setting list with complete data.
my @List = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingListGet(
IsInvisible => 1, # 1 or 0
IsReadonly => 0, # 1 or 0
IsRequired => 1, # 1 or 0
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0
IsDirty => 1, # 1 or 0
HasConfigLevel => 0, # 1 or 0
Navigation => 'ASimple::Path::Structure',
Locked => 1, # check for locked settings
Category => 'OTRS', # optional (requires CategoryFiles)
CategoryFiles => ['Framework.xml', 'Ticket.xml', ], # optional (requires Category)
NoCache => 0, # (optional) Default 0. If set, system will not generate cache.
@List = (
DefaultID => 123,
Name => "ProductName",
Description => "Defines the name of the application ...",
Navigation => "ASimple::Path::Structure",
IsInvisible => 1,
IsReadonly => 0,
IsRequired => 1,
IsValid => 1,
HasConfigLevel => 200,
XMLContentRaw => "The XML structure as it is on the config file",
XMLContentParsed => "XML parsed to Perl",
XMLFilename => "Framework.xml",
EffectiveValue => "Product 6",
IsDirty => 1, # 1 or 0
ExclusiveLockUserID => 1,
ExclusiveLockExpiryTime => '2016-05-29 11:09:04',
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
CreateBy => 1,
ChangeTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
ChangeBy => 1,
SettingUID => 'Default4717141789',
DefaultID => 321,
Name => 'FieldName',
# ...
ChangeTime => '2011-01-01 01:01:01',
ChangeBy => 1,
SettingUID => 'Default4717141781',
# ...
Get list of all settings.
my @DefaultSettings = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingList(
IncludeInvisible => 0, # (optional) Include invisible. Default 0.
IsDirty => 0, # (optional) Filter settings by IsDirty. If not provided, returns all settings.
Locked => 0, # (optional) Filter locked settings.
@DefaultSettings = (
DefaultID => '123',
Name => 'SettingName1',
IsDirty => 1,
IsVisible => 1,
ExclusiveLockGUID => 0,
XMLFilename => 'Filename.xml',
DefaultID => '124',
Name => 'SettingName2',
IsDirty => 0,
IsVisible => 1,
ExclusiveLockGUID => 'fjewifjowj...',
XMLFilename => 'Filename.xml',
Lock Default setting(s) to the particular user.
my $ExclusiveLockGUID = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingLock(
DefaultID => 1, # the ID of the setting that needs to be locked
# or
Name => 'SettingName', # the Name of the setting that needs to be locked
# or
LockAll => 1, # system locks all settings.
Force => 1, # (optional) Force locking (do not check if it's already locked by another user). Default: 0.
UserID => 1, # (required)
$ExclusiveLockGUID = 'azzHab72wIlAXDrxHexsI5aENsESxAO7'; # Setting locked
$ExclusiveLockGUID = undef; # Not locked
Check if particular Default Setting is locked.
my $Locked = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingIsLocked(
DefaultID => 1, # the ID of the setting that needs to be checked
# or
Name => 'SettingName', # the Name of the setting that needs to be checked
GetLockUserID => 1, # optional, it will return the ExclusiveLockUserID in case it exist
$Locked = 1; # Locked
$Locked = 123 # The UserID
Check if particular Default Setting is locked.
my $LockedByUser = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingIsLockedByUser(
DefaultID => 1, # the ID of the setting that needs to be checked
# or
Name => 'SettingName', # the name of the setting that needs to be checked
ExclusiveLockUserID => 2, # the user should have locked the setting
ExclusiveLockGUID => 'AGUIDSTRING', # the GUID used to locking the setting
$LockedByUser = 1;
Unlock particular or all Default Setting(s).
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingUnlock(
DefaultID => 1, # the ID of the setting that needs to be unlocked
# or
Name => 'SettingName', # the name of the setting that needs to be locked
# or
UnlockAll => 1, # unlock all settings
$Success = 1;
Removes the IsDirty flag from default settings.
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingDirtyCleanUp(
AllSettings => 0, # (default 0) Reset all dirty settings.
$Success = 1; # or false in case of an error
Add a new SysConfig default version entry.
my $DefaultVersionID = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingVersionAdd(
DefaultID => 456,
Name => "ProductName",
Description => "Defines the name of the application ...",
Navigation => "ASimple::Path::Structure",
IsInvisible => 1, # 1 or 0, optional, default 0
IsReadonly => 0, # 1 or 0, optional, default 0
IsRequired => 1, # 1 or 0, optional, default 0
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0, optional, default 0
HasConfigLevel => 200, # optional, default 0
XMLContentRaw => $XMLString, # the XML structure as it is on the config file
XMLContentParsed => $XMLParsedToPerl, # the setting XML structure converted into YAML
XMLFilename => 'Framework.xml' # the name of the XML file
EffectiveValue => $YAMLEffectiveValue, # YAML EffectiveValue
UserID => 1,
NoCleanup => 0, # (optional) Default 0. If enabled, system WILL NOT DELETE CACHE. In this case, it must be done manually.
NoVersionID => 1, # 1 or 0, optional, default 0, prevents the return of DefaultVersionID and returns only 1 in case of success.
my $DefaultVersionID = 123; # false in case of an error
Get SysConfig default version entry.
my %DefaultSettingVersion = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingVersionGet(
DefaultVersionID => 123,
%DefaultSettingVersion = (
DefaultVersionID => 123,
DefaultID => 456,
Name => "ProductName",
Description => "Defines the name of the application ...",
Navigation => "ASimple::Path::Structure",
IsInvisible => 1, # 1 or 0
IsReadonly => 0, # 1 or 0
IsRequired => 1, # 1 or 0
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0
HasConfigLevel => 200,
XMLContentRaw => "The XML structure as it is on the config file",
XMLContentParsed => "XML parsed to Perl",
XMLFilename => 'Framework.xml',
EffectiveValue => "Product 6",
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
CreateBy => 44,
ChangeTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
ChangeBy => 88,
Delete a default setting version from list based on default version ID or default ID.
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingVersionDelete(
DefaultVersionID => 123,
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingVersionDelete(
DefaultID => 45,
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingVersionDelete(
Name => 'AnyName',
$Success = 1; # or false in case of an error
Get last deployment.
my %DefaultSettingVersionGetLast = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingVersionGetLast(
DefaultID => 456,
%DefaultSettingVersion = (
DefaultVersionID => 123,
DefaultID => 456,
Name => "ProductName",
Description => "Defines the name of the application ...",
Navigation => "ASimple::Path::Structure",
IsInvisible => 1, # 1 or 0
IsReadonly => 0, # 1 or 0
IsRequired => 1, # 1 or 0
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0
HasConfigLevel => 200,
XMLContentRaw => "The XML structure as it is on the config file",
XMLContentParsed => "XML parsed to Perl",
XMLFilename => 'Framework.xml',
EffectiveValue => "Product 6",
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
ChangeTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
Get version setting list with complete data.
my @List = $SysConfigDBObject->DefaultSettingVersionListGet(
Name => 'SettingName', # optional
# or
DefaultID => 123, # optional
@List = (
DefaultVersionID => 123,
DefaultID => 456,
Name => "ProductName",
Description => "Defines the name of the application ...",
Navigation => "ASimple::Path::Structure",
IsInvisible => 1, # 1 or 0
IsReadonly => 0, # 1 or 0
IsRequired => 1, # 1 or 0
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0
HasConfigLevel => 200,
XMLContentRaw => "The XML structure as it is on the config file",
XMLContentParsed => "XML parsed to Perl",
XMLFilename => 'Framework.xml',
EffectiveValue => "Product 6",
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
ChangeTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
DefaultVersionID => 321,
DefaultID => 890,
Name => 'FieldName',
# ...
CreateTime => '2010-09-11 10:08:00',
ChangeTime => '2011-01-01 01:01:01',
# ...
Add a new SysConfig modified entry.
my $ModifiedID = $SysConfigDBObject->ModifiedSettingAdd(
DefaultID => 456,
Name => "ProductName",
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0, optional (uses the value from DefaultSetting if not defined)
ResetToDefault => 0, # 1 or 0, optional, modified 0
EffectiveValue => $SettingEffectiveValue,
ExclusiveLockGUID => $LockingString, # the GUID used to lock the setting
DeploymentExclusiveLockGUID => $LockingString, # the GUID used to lock the deployment (in case of deployment failure)
UserID => 1,
my $ModifiedID = 123; # false in case of an error
Get SysConfig modified value.
my %ModifiedSetting = $SysConfigDBObject->ModifiedSettingGet(
ModifiedID => 123, # ModifiedID or NAME are required.
Name => 'Setting::Name',
%ModifiedSetting = (
ModifiedID => "123",
DefaultID => 456,
Name => "ProductName",
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0, optional, modified 0
IsDirty => 1, # 1 or 0, optional, modified 0
ResetToDefault => 1, # 1 or 0, optional, modified 0
EffectiveValue => $SettingEffectiveValue,
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
CreateBy => 1,
ChangeTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
ChangeBy => 1,
SettingUID => 'Modified12320160529110404',
Get modified setting list with complete data.
my @List = $SysConfigDBObject->ModifiedSettingListGet(
IsInvisible => 1, # 1 or 0
IsReadonly => 0, # 1 or 0
IsRequired => 1, # 1 or 0
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0
IsDirty => 1, # 1 or 0
ResetToDefault => 1, # 1 or 0
HasConfigLevel => 0, # 1 or 0
Name => 'ACL::CacheTTL', # setting name
ChangeBy => 123,
@List = (
ModifiedID => 123,
Name => "ProductName",
Description => "Defines the name of the application ...",
Navigation => "ASimple::Path::Structure",
IsInvisible => 1,
IsReadonly => 0,
IsRequired => 1,
IsValid => 1,
ResetToDefault => 1, # 1 or 0
HasConfigLevel => 200,
XMLContentRaw => "The XML structure as it is on the config file",
XMLContentParsed => "XML parsed to Perl",
EffectiveValue => "Product 6",
IsDirty => 1, # 1 or 0
ExclusiveLockUserID => 1,
ExclusiveLockExpiryTime => '2016-05-29 11:09:04',
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
ChangeTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
ModifiedID => 321,
Name => 'FieldName',
# ...
CreateTime => '2010-09-11 10:08:00',
ChangeTime => '2011-01-01 01:01:01',
# ...
Delete a modified setting from list.
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->ModifiedSettingDelete(
ModifiedID => 123,
$Success = 1; # or false in case of an error
Update SysConfig modified.
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->ModifiedSettingUpdate(
ModifiedID => 123, # (required)
DefaultID => 456, # (required)
Name => "ProductName", # (required)
IsValid => 1, # (optional) 1 or 0, optional (uses the value from DefaultSetting if not defined)
IsDirty => 1, # (optional) Default 1.
ResetToDefault => 1, # (optional), default 0
EffectiveValue => $SettingEffectiveValue,
ExclusiveLockGUID => $LockingString, # the GUID used to locking the setting
UserID => 1, # (required)
$Success = 1; # or false in case of an error
Removes the IsDirty flag from modified settings.
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->ModifiedSettingDirtyCleanUp(
ModifiedIDs => [ # (optional) applies to only this list of settings
$Success = 1; # or false in case of an error
Add a new SysConfig modified version entry.
my $ModifiedVersionID = $SysConfigDBObject->ModifiedSettingVersionAdd(
DefaultVersionID => 456,
Name => "ProductName",
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0, optional, optional 0
EffectiveValue => $SettingEffectiveValue, # the value as will be stored in the Perl configuration file
DeploymentTimeStamp => '2015-12-12 12:00:00', # unique timestamp per deployment
ResetToDefault => 1, # optional, default 0
UserID => 1,
my $ModifiedVersionID = 123; # false in case of an error
Get SysConfig modified version entry.
my %ModifiedSettingVersion = $SysConfigDBObject->ModifiedSettingVersionGet(
ModifiedVersionID => 123,
%ModifiedSetting = (
ModifiedVersionID => 123,
DefaultVersionID => 456,
Name => "ProductName",
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0
ResetToDefault => 1, # 1 or 0
EffectiveValue => "Product 6",
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
ChangeTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
Get version setting list with complete data.
my @List = $SysConfigDBObject->ModifiedSettingVersionListGet(
Name => 1, # optional
DefaultVersionID => 230, # optional
@List = (
ModifiedVersionID => 123,
ModifiedID => 456,
Name => "ProductName",
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0
ResetToDefault => 1, # 1 or 0
EffectiveValue => "Product 6",
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
ChangeTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
ModifiedVersionID => 789,
ModifiedID => 579,
Name => "ADifferentProductName",
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0
ResetToDefault => 1, # 1 or 0
. . .
# ...
Get last deployment.
my %ModifiedSettingVersion = $SysConfigDBObject->ModifiedSettingVersionGetLast(
Name => 'ProductName',
%ModifiedSettingVersion = (
DefaultVersionID => 123,
ModifiedID => 456,
Name => "ProductName",
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0
ResetToDefault => 1, # 1 or 0
EffectiveValue => "Product 6",
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
ChangeTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
Get a list of the last deployed version of each modified SysConfig setting
my @List = $SysConfigDBObject->ModifiedSettingVersionListGetLast();
@List = (
ModifiedVersionID => 123,
ModifiedID => 456,
Name => "ProductName",
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0
ResetToDefault => 1, # 1 or 0
EffectiveValue => "Product 6",
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
ChangeTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
ModifiedVersionID => 789,
ModifiedID => 579,
Name => "ADifferentProductName",
IsValid => 1, # 1 or 0
ResetToDefault => 1, # 1 or 0
. . .
# ...
Delete a modified setting version from list based on modified version ID or modified ID.
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->ModifiedSettingVersionDelete(
ModifiedVersionID => 123,
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->ModifiedSettingVersionDelete(
ModifiedID => 45,
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->ModifiedSettingVersionDelete(
Name => 'AnyName',
$Success = 1; # or false in case of an error
Check if there are not deployed changes on system configuration.
my $Result = $SysConfigDBObject->ConfigurationIsDirty(
UserID => 123, # optional, the user that changes a modified setting
$Result = 1; # or 0 if configuration is not dirty.
Adds a new deployment.
my $DeploymentID = $SysConfigDBObject->DeploymentAdd(
Comments => 'Some Comments', # optional
EffectiveValueStrg => $EffectiveValuesStrgRef, # string reference with the value of all settings,
# to be stored in a Perl cache file
ExclusiveLockGUID => $LockingString, # the GUID used to locking the deployment
DeploymentTimeStamp => '1977-12-12 12:00:00',
UserID => 123,
$DeploymentID = 123; # or false in case of an error
Gets deployment information.
my %Deployment = $SysConfigDBObject->DeploymentGet(
DeploymentID => 123,
DeploymentUUID => '14906327941360ed8455f125d0450277',
%Deployment = (
DeploymentID => 123,
DeploymentUUID => '14906327941360ed8455f125d0450277',
Comments => 'Some Comments',
EffectiveValueStrg => $SettingEffectiveValues, # string with the value of all settings,
# as seen in the Perl configuration file.
CreateTime => '2016-05-29 11:04:04',
CreateBy => 123,
Get global deployment list with complete data.
my @List = $SysConfigDBObject->DeploymentListGet();
@List = (
DeploymentID => 123,
DeploymentUUID => 14906327941360ed8455f125d0450277,
Comments => 'Some Comments',
EffectiveValueStrg => $SettingEffectiveValues, # String with the value of all settings,
# as seen in the Perl configuration file.
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
CreateBy => 123,
DeploymentID => 456,
DeploymentUUID => 14906327941360ed8455f125d0450288,
Comments => 'Some Comments',
EffectiveValueStrg => $SettingEffectiveValues2, # String with the value of all settings,
# as seen in the Perl configuration file.
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 12:00:01",
CreateBy => 123,
# ...
Get last global deployment.
my %Deployment = $SysConfigDBObject->DeploymentGetLast();
%Deployment = (
DeploymentID => 123,
DeploymentUUID => 14906327941360ed8455f125d0450277,
Comments => 'Some Comments',
EffectiveValueStrg => $SettingEffectiveValues, # String with the value of all settings,
# as seen in the Perl configuration file.
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
CreateBy => 123,
Delete a deployment from the database.
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->DeploymentDelete(
DeploymentID => 123,
$Success = 1; # or false in case of an error
Lock global deployment to a particular user.
my $ExclusiveLockGUID = $SysConfigDBObject->DeploymentLock(
UserID => 123,
ExclusiveLockGUID => $LockingString, # optional (if specific GUID is needed)
Force => 1, # Optional, locks the deployment even if is already
# locked to another user, also removes locks for
# all settings.
$ExclusiveLockGUID = 'SomeLockingString'; # or false in case of an error or already locked
Check if global deployment is locked.
my $Locked = $SysConfigDBObject->DeploymentIsLocked();
$Locked = 1; # or false if it is not locked
Check if global deployment is locked for a determined user.
my $LockedByUser = $SysConfigDBObject->DeploymentIsLockedByUser(
ExclusiveLockGUID => $LockingString, # the GUID used to locking the deployment
UserID => 123, # the user should have locked the deployment
$LockedByUser = 'SomeLockingString'; # or false in case of not locked
Return a list of modified versions for a global deployment based on the deployment time. Limited to a particular deployment or including also all previous deployments
my %ModifiedVersionList = $SysConfigDBObject->DeploymentModifiedVersionList(
DeploymentID => 123, # the deployment id
Mode => 'Equals' # (optional) default 'Equals'
# Equals: only the settings from the given deployment
# GreaterThan: only the settings after the given deployment
# GreaterThanEquals: includes the settings of the given deployment and after
# SmallerThan: only the settings before the given deployment
# SmallerThanEquals: includes the settings of the given deployment and before
%ModifiedVersionIDs = (
123 => 'Setting1',
124 => 'Setting2',
125 => 'Setting3'
Unlock global deployment.
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->DeploymentUnlock(
ExclusiveLockGUID => '12ad34f21b',
UserID => 123,
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->DeploymentUnlock(
All => 1,
$Success = 1; # or false in case of an error
Get deployment lock entry.
my %DeploymentLock = $SysConfigDBObject->_DeploymentLockGet();
%DeploymentLock = (
DeploymentLoclID => "123",
ExclusiveLockGUID => $LockingString,
ExclusiveLockUserID => 1,
ExclusiveLockExpiryTime => '2016-05-29 11:09:04',
CreateTime => "2016-05-29 11:04:04",
Add batch entries to the DB into a given table.
my $Success = $SysConfigDBObject->_BulkInsert(
Table => 'table_name', # (required) Table name
Columns => [ # (required) Array of column names
Data => [ # (required) AoA with data
'record 1',
'record 2',